This morning Sylke and I walked for about 2 hours. It was a glorious morning - bright sunshine and cool. As we walked down Waldo Road, we saw about 15 deer cross the road about 1/2 mile ahead of us. When we got to the spot where they crossed Sylke got busy tracking their scent. She sniffed along the ditch and when we came to the spot where they crossed she was ecstatic. She really wanted to go into the woods where they went but it is posted property so we could not.
On the way home we came upon a doe and her twin fawns grazing. We came within 20 feet of them. Sylke was quiet as a mouse, standing and watching them with me. I managed to take several pictures before the doe alarmed, blowing through her nose which sounded like a steam vent releasing a gust of steam - so loud it made both Sylke and I jump. Her fawns bounded into the woods and she followed. However she stopped at the edge of the woods and watched us, repeatedly stomping her foot in alarm.
It was a lovely walk - two hours of sniffing, walking and enjoying the last Sunday of summer.
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