Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sylke's Recovery
Saturday, 18 November 2006
Walking Unassisted!!Sylke is now going for walks on the sidewalk without a sling!! She walks right along at a nice fast pace and nary a stumble!! I still use a sling out in the yard where the ground is uneven. But she is walking on her own pretty much now
Posted by sylkegirl at 10:01 PM EST

Monday, 13 November 2006
Sylke has graduated. She is no longer confined in the livingroom. I let her spend my work days in my bedroom. The bed is off its frame so she can get on it easily. I covered the bed with two huge plastic table cloths and covered those with some nice fleecy throws, just in case she has a little urine oops. Those happen rarely now, but still happen when she has to go bad. She did very well.

I ordered Sylke a new elevated feeder, thanks to the folks on the Labrador Talk board. Also ordered a wide fleece lined sling to use to lift her up and down steps and for support when we go for walks. It is nice and wide so will provide her better support for her back. And lastly she will be getting a nice red, fleecy coat with reflective stripes. She refused to go out the other night when it was raining and since we walk much of the time at night, the reflective stripes will be very helpful in the dark.

All in all, she is continuing to progress well. This morning when I took her out we 'ran' around the yard at a fast trot - she didn't stumble once. This pound hound continues to amaze me every day!
Posted by sylkegirl at 6:55 PM EST

Thursday, 9 November 2006
Sylke is doing so well - and has her routine down pat. When I take her out I put the leash on her neck and we step outside and she stops and waits till I put the second one under her belly to help her down the steps. When I go to work, she trots over to her bed in the corner of the livingroom and settles in. She is probably the most wise dog I've ever had. She seems to realize what she needs to do and outside of chasing a opossum the other night, she does not overdo her limitations. And she is so happy; unlike a human who would probably be depressed with that situation. She is one of the most amazing dogs I've ever had. I'm so infatuated with this wonderful pound hound!
Posted by sylkegirl at 6:45 AM EST

Tuesday, 7 November 2006
Continuing to progress here. Sylke went for a 12 block walk this past weekend. She did very well, didn't seem to tire much.
Last night there was a opossum on our front porch and Sylke saw it and shoved right out the door past me. Scared me because she literally flew after it, along with her sister Ava. She didn't hurt herself flying off the porch, thank goodness, and I made her and Ava come back in and leave the little guy alone - he was playing opossum in the front yard which probably saved him from being gnawed on by the girls.

Oh and now when we go for walks she is carrying her tail higher - though the end of it still droops some. Rather looks like a big 'S' hanging off her rear :)
Posted by sylkegirl at 6:49 AM EST

Friday, 3 November 2006
It happened!!! This morning while reading my email, Sylke came over and stood by me and suddenly, POOF!, there she was, her front end in my lap and I was getting some big Sylke hugs and the best part?? HER TAIL WAS WAGGING!!!! That is the last part to really move and this morning it did! WOOHOO!!!! I noticed when walking her last night she now carries it straight out from her body - it does not hang limp anymore!
Posted by sylkegirl at 6:57 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 3 November 2006 7:00 AM EST

Thursday, 2 November 2006
Haven't posted in a couple days due to family issues. Last weekend I commented that the only thing that Sylke isn't totally moving on her own was her tail. Well, apparently she heard me or something. Now when we walk she raises it up partway - so that it sticks out straight behind her, level with her back. I fore see a tail carried high over her back very soon.
This weekend she went outside and I got a couple pictures of her standing on her own. I let her snoop around in the brush along our fence line where she loves to sniff. She really enjoyed it.

Posted by sylkegirl at 7:27 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 2 November 2006 7:44 PM EST

Monday, 30 October 2006
Sylke is doing very well. This weekend I did something for her - I took my bed off its frame and put the boxsprings and mattress on the floor so she can step up onto it. She doesn't lie on it during the day, but last night she got on the bed and snuggled up and we 'spooned', cuddling for a long time. She snuggled her nose into my neck and I thought "Wow - this can't be the same rough, tough girl who was more than a bit of a bully I rescued from the pound". It really touched me that she has become so remarkably loving. She has become one of my best friends and I'm glad I still have her around
Posted by sylkegirl at 7:51 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 30 October 2006 7:56 AM EST

Friday, 27 October 2006
This morning while walking an idea came into my head. A special sling/lead for the handicapped dog. I have seen slings for the rear ends of dogs online, but nothing as I thought of this morning. I am presently using two leashes on Sylke - one as a lead and another padded under her belly for support of her rear. Her body weight in the rear sling helped at first with helping her express her bladder. Now it is very helpful in supporting her rear when she walks. I think I have just invented a new product for the handicapped dog. Gonna work on making a prototype.
Posted by sylkegirl at 7:06 AM EDT

Thursday, 26 October 2006
Uhoh - Naughty Girl
I fixed myself a little supper tonight - sat it on top of my computer armoire and went to fetch a drink, and when I came back in, Sylke had her front feet on my chair and was standing straight up on those hind legs trying to see how close she could get to my dinner. I don't want her doing that because I don't want her jumping up and down at all and jarring her spine at all. But it sure was nice to see her stand so well on those legs, even for a bit.
When I took her outside this p.m. for her evening potty walk, the neighbor girl across the street was out; her name is Ahleya and she adores my dogs. She was so thrilled to see Sylke walking she sat right down in the middle of the street and hugged Sylke for a long time. Another neighbor girl, Erica was there too and I explained why I had a sling on Sylke and her response to Sylke's injury and healing was simply this "Amazing".
Yup, that is my Sylke - the Amazing miracle dog!
Posted by sylkegirl at 7:51 PM EDT

We are now 5 weeks into recovery from Sylke's back injury. She is still improving - going for walks 3 or 4 times a day - averaging about 12 blocks a day which isn't much, but its a LOT for her. She is still weak in the hind quarters but can stand with no problem and walks around the house some, though when she decides to rough house or chase a kitty then she has to be confined. She is playing with her toys, growling and beating them up. I envision several months of exercise and rest before she is completely fit again. But at the rate she is going, I expect she will be normal again soon.

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