A journey of my Labrador Retriever, Sylke's recovery from paralysis caused by a herniated disc.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Tonight when we went for our walk up the street she actually trotted right along - I had to jog to keep up with her. Swear to goodness this dog is as determined to whip me into shape as I am her!!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Saturday, 18 November 2006
Walking Unassisted!!Sylke is now going for walks on the sidewalk without a sling!! She walks right along at a nice fast pace and nary a stumble!! I still use a sling out in the yard where the ground is uneven. But she is walking on her own pretty much now
Posted by sylkegirl at 10:01 PM EST
Monday, 13 November 2006
Sylke has graduated. She is no longer confined in the livingroom. I let her spend my work days in my bedroom. The bed is off its frame so she can get on it easily. I covered the bed with two huge plastic table cloths and covered those with some nice fleecy throws, just in case she has a little urine oops. Those happen rarely now, but still happen when she has to go bad. She did very well.
I ordered Sylke a new elevated feeder, thanks to the folks on the Labrador Talk board. Also ordered a wide fleece lined sling to use to lift her up and down steps and for support when we go for walks. It is nice and wide so will provide her better support for her back. And lastly she will be getting a nice red, fleecy coat with reflective stripes. She refused to go out the other night when it was raining and since we walk much of the time at night, the reflective stripes will be very helpful in the dark.
All in all, she is continuing to progress well. This morning when I took her out we 'ran' around the yard at a fast trot - she didn't stumble once. This pound hound continues to amaze me every day!
Posted by sylkegirl at 6:55 PM EST
Thursday, 9 November 2006
Sylke is doing so well - and has her routine down pat. When I take her out I put the leash on her neck and we step outside and she stops and waits till I put the second one under her belly to help her down the steps. When I go to work, she trots over to her bed in the corner of the livingroom and settles in. She is probably the most wise dog I've ever had. She seems to realize what she needs to do and outside of chasing a opossum the other night, she does not overdo her limitations. And she is so happy; unlike a human who would probably be depressed with that situation. She is one of the most amazing dogs I've ever had. I'm so infatuated with this wonderful pound hound!
Posted by sylkegirl at 6:45 AM EST
Tuesday, 7 November 2006
Continuing to progress here. Sylke went for a 12 block walk this past weekend. She did very well, didn't seem to tire much.
Last night there was a opossum on our front porch and Sylke saw it and shoved right out the door past me. Scared me because she literally flew after it, along with her sister Ava. She didn't hurt herself flying off the porch, thank goodness, and I made her and Ava come back in and leave the little guy alone - he was playing opossum in the front yard which probably saved him from being gnawed on by the girls.
Oh and now when we go for walks she is carrying her tail higher - though the end of it still droops some. Rather looks like a big 'S' hanging off her rear :)
Posted by sylkegirl at 6:49 AM EST
Friday, 3 November 2006
It happened!!! This morning while reading my email, Sylke came over and stood by me and suddenly, POOF!, there she was, her front end in my lap and I was getting some big Sylke hugs and the best part?? HER TAIL WAS WAGGING!!!! That is the last part to really move and this morning it did! WOOHOO!!!! I noticed when walking her last night she now carries it straight out from her body - it does not hang limp anymore!
Posted by sylkegirl at 6:57 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 3 November 2006 7:00 AM EST
Thursday, 2 November 2006
Haven't posted in a couple days due to family issues. Last weekend I commented that the only thing that Sylke isn't totally moving on her own was her tail. Well, apparently she heard me or something. Now when we walk she raises it up partway - so that it sticks out straight behind her, level with her back. I fore see a tail carried high over her back very soon.
This weekend she went outside and I got a couple pictures of her standing on her own. I let her snoop around in the brush along our fence line where she loves to sniff. She really enjoyed it.
Posted by sylkegirl at 7:27 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 2 November 2006 7:44 PM EST
Monday, 30 October 2006
Sylke is doing very well. This weekend I did something for her - I took my bed off its frame and put the boxsprings and mattress on the floor so she can step up onto it. She doesn't lie on it during the day, but last night she got on the bed and snuggled up and we 'spooned', cuddling for a long time. She snuggled her nose into my neck and I thought "Wow - this can't be the same rough, tough girl who was more than a bit of a bully I rescued from the pound". It really touched me that she has become so remarkably loving. She has become one of my best friends and I'm glad I still have her around
Posted by sylkegirl at 7:51 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 30 October 2006 7:56 AM EST
Friday, 27 October 2006
This morning while walking an idea came into my head. A special sling/lead for the handicapped dog. I have seen slings for the rear ends of dogs online, but nothing as I thought of this morning. I am presently using two leashes on Sylke - one as a lead and another padded under her belly for support of her rear. Her body weight in the rear sling helped at first with helping her express her bladder. Now it is very helpful in supporting her rear when she walks. I think I have just invented a new product for the handicapped dog. Gonna work on making a prototype.
Posted by sylkegirl at 7:06 AM EDT
Thursday, 26 October 2006
Uhoh - Naughty Girl
I fixed myself a little supper tonight - sat it on top of my computer armoire and went to fetch a drink, and when I came back in, Sylke had her front feet on my chair and was standing straight up on those hind legs trying to see how close she could get to my dinner. I don't want her doing that because I don't want her jumping up and down at all and jarring her spine at all. But it sure was nice to see her stand so well on those legs, even for a bit.
When I took her outside this p.m. for her evening potty walk, the neighbor girl across the street was out; her name is Ahleya and she adores my dogs. She was so thrilled to see Sylke walking she sat right down in the middle of the street and hugged Sylke for a long time. Another neighbor girl, Erica was there too and I explained why I had a sling on Sylke and her response to Sylke's injury and healing was simply this "Amazing".
Yup, that is my Sylke - the Amazing miracle dog!
Posted by sylkegirl at 7:51 PM EDT
We are now 5 weeks into recovery from Sylke's back injury. She is still improving - going for walks 3 or 4 times a day - averaging about 12 blocks a day which isn't much, but its a LOT for her. She is still weak in the hind quarters but can stand with no problem and walks around the house some, though when she decides to rough house or chase a kitty then she has to be confined. She is playing with her toys, growling and beating them up. I envision several months of exercise and rest before she is completely fit again. But at the rate she is going, I expect she will be normal again soon.
Sylke's Recovery
Tuesday, 24 October 2006
Sylke is now going for a walk three times a day - four blocks each walk. Its not that far, but gets her execise, allows her to potty outside. She does very well on these strolls and really looks forward to them. She would like to go a lot further, but I won't allow it.
I told one of the nurses at work who had been off for a few days that Sylke was going for walks. Her response? Its a miracle, just a miracle.
I guess she is a miracle girl. A very special miracle girl.
Posted by sylkegirl at 8:19 PM EDT
Sunday, 22 October 2006
Now Playing: Sylke Goes for Walks
Saturday morning Sylke went for a walk to the corner and back. She did very well but I wouldn't let her walk any further, I did not want her to over do.
She is now asking to go outside to go potty all the time - we don't always make it completely outside but she is doing much better.
This morning Sylke again went for a walk - 4 blocks this morning. That is about the maximum for now. I noticed her legs getting a little rubbery on the way home. She sure can move though - she had me walking at a fast walk. It does her good, I hold her with the sling so she can move her legs in a normal stride, helping to strengthen those muscles. The sling also keeps stres off her lower spine so she does not reinjure herself. She is doing remarkably well - better every single day!
12:00 p.m. - Sylke wanted to go out again - we walked up and down the street 3 times!! That is a 6 block walk for her and she only showed signs of tiring when we were walking up the driveway. I notice the neighbors up and down the street standing in their windows watching us, most likely wondering why I've got a sling on Sylke. But going out has benefitted her - no potty boo boo's in the house yet today!
Posted by sylkegirl at 10:53 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 22 October 2006 12:32 PM EDT
Thursday, 19 October 2006
The Blessing of Sylke's Injury
When I first got Sylke she was a rather troubled dog, with food agression, a bit nippy, very dominant and very aloof. She didn't care much for cuddling and hugs, she would tolerate it for a while, but not long.
Now with her injury and the fact I've had to work with her so much she has blossomed. She will put her head in my lap, lean on me, nuzzle my hands to pet her and if I stop, she will paw my hands to continue. She loves to be held and cuddled. Finally, she has let down her guard and become my girl in heart as well as body. She has learned she doesn't have to be guarded anymore and it is very touching to see.
Posted by sylkegirl at 7:52 PM EDT
Wednesday, 18 October 2006
Today was another good one for my girl. She is going outside with a sling to go potty. She is full of vigor and wants to go much further than I think she should. We strolled around the yard tonight for quite a while. She is very happy, has a great attitude. I cannot come home for lunch due to my car being caput at the moment, but she is doing well in her little cubby in the livingroom. I give her a frozen Kong before I leave for work and it keeps her entertained for quite some time.
Hopefully this weekend I can get her outside and get a picture of my girl standing on her own.
Posted by sylkegirl at 8:42 PM EDT
Tuesday, 17 October 2006
Tonight one of the gals I work with brought me home from work, no thanks to my funky car. She is one of the girls that we go to the dogpark with her two boys, Simon and Rio (a handsome yellow Labbie boy). She wanted to see Sylke and I brought her out to see Paula. Sylke was elated to see her and walked like a dream. Stood right up and went right to Paula. I think it did Sylke good to see someone else she knew. She bustled around the yard in her sling, all her legs moving and had me huffing and puffing before I made her go in. Paula was amazed at Sylke's progress.
Posted by sylkegirl at 10:05 PM EDT
Monday, 16 October 2006
Sylke is doing a little better every day. Tonight when I came home from work she went for a walk around the yard. She went potty outside and she can raise her tail to go potty with no problem, though she isn't lifting it high yet. I have every confidence that in time she will be back to her proud self.
I let her walk around the house a little bit, but then she has to be confined because I simply do not want her to over do. She goes to the kitchen for a drink but I think I will need to get her an elevated feeding station and water dish. I do not like seeing her hunching over to drink and for now I hold her dish up to her when she eats her food.
Tonight I went outside to do some chores and when I came in, Sylke was standing there with a toy in her mouth, wanting to play. She has definitely regained her spunk and love of life. It does my heart good to see her back to her old attitude.
Posted by sylkegirl at 7:42 PM EDT
This morning Sylke had an itch, she shook her head then reached up with her left rear leg and scritched her ear herself! That is excellent movement on her part. Not only did she move her leg, but she lifted it up. She ate an excellent breakfast and today she will start spending the day in the livingroom. I made her a cubby in one end, blocking it off with two heavy little dressers. Makes the livingroom look odd, but she will be away from the bed, which she has been sizing up, I believe trying to figure out how she could get on it. She will have a window to peak out of, my windows are low enough for her to sit up and peek out.
Just now, she walked into the kitchen and got a drink, she walks slightly like a drunk but she walked out on all fours. Thankfully her steroid dose has been decreased so her excessive thirst has subsided and hence the excessive peeing. In 8 days she will be done with the steroids - and she will be half way through her recovery. Hopefully she will be recovered by Thanksgiving - boy will we have a lot to be thankful for.
Posted by sylkegirl at 6:44 AM EDT
Sunday, 15 October 2006
I was in the kitchen this morning getting a cup of coffee and a dog came up and was standing next to me. I was just about ready to say "Ava move" and I looked - and it was Sylke!! Standing on all four - rear legs fully extended!! Now she is still wobbly but every day there is more improvement and this morning when I was cleaning her, I lifted her tail - and I could feel that tail pulling down in my hand!! I look forward to the day when she can stand and hold that tail high like she is in the picture below, and I think we are well on our way. Today I am going to rearrange furniture in the livingroom so she can be out there during the day, blocked in one end with my trunk and cedar chest - she really wants to get on the bed and futon and I am not going to risk her jumping and reinjuring her spine.
10:00 a.m.
Took Sylke outside - she was so insistent. She went out and promptly went potty. I guess she is tired of going on a blue pad. Then she wanted to go up the street - BADLY!!! I had a real wrestle to keep her from heading up the sidewalk. So she got bullheaded and laid down - definitely getting back to her old self with a major tude!! (Never thought I would happy to see her bullheaded attitude again, but I was!) I finally got her to get up and walk around the perimeter of the yard. She laid in the sun for a while and when I decided we should go in, again she wanted to head for the street for a walk. I don't think she realized how much effort she was exerting. When I brought her in she flopped on her bed and was out like a light. I did use a sling on her back end so she wasn't over exerting her back and hips - but boy those rear legs were really going!
I rearranged the livingroom so one end is blocked off in a little cubby with two heavy little dressers where Sylke will spend her time while I am at work. I won't have to worry about her trying to try to jump on my bed. We have come this far, I do not want her hurting herself again. The livingroom looks a bit goofy, but it is only for a few weeks and nobody sits in the livingroom anyway. She actually likes her little nest out there and is out there right now snoozing. And of course she has a bed on the floor of my bedroom - so she can sleep near me at night. She wants to be close to me most of the time these days. Everybody say it.....awwwwwwwwwww :)
Posted by sylkegirl at 8:40 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 15 October 2006 7:36 PM EDT
Saturday, 14 October 2006
Sylke is standing - for a few moments at a time. Her legs are wobbly and slightly splayed, but she will stand. She isn't wagging that tail yet, but I suspect that will come in time. How am I going to keep this girl confined and quiet for 4 more weeks at the rate she is going?? I am going to have to figure out a different arrangement for her this weekend, she keeps eyeballing the bed, she really wants to get up on it and that is the last thing she needs to do - crawl up on a bed and jump off. She is one determined girl to get better but I am even more deteremined that she use the full recovery time so she does not reinjure herself!
Oh, and it suddenly clicked this morning "Hey!! There are pills in my food!!" She spat them out as quick as she licked them up!! So now I have to poke them into little hunks of canned dog food to get them to go down. She is quickly turning into her old uppity self!
Posted by sylkegirl at 7:38 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 14 October 2006 8:24 AM EDT
Friday, 13 October 2006
Sylke is still maintaining. She is trying her best to motor around in a 'squat' but I don't allow it much - she can really scoot though. If she keeps this up, she will be running nonstop in a few weeks!!
My friend picked up some prednisone for me from the vet. The vet talked to her and told her that the only true way to get a sterile sample of urine from Sylke was to do a cystocentesis, going through her belly wall into the bladder with a needle. However, in light of the fact Sylke showed no abnormalities with the urine I expressed I see no need to do this. Had the speciemn I took showed gross abnormalities, then this might be needed. It made me feel like the vet was trying to pad her wallet a little bit.
I cannot wait for the weekend so I can spend more time with Sylke and the girls. It is an adventure to watch her progress. What started out as being an experience that I thought was going to end in heartbreak has turned into a fascinating learning experience for both Sylke and I. The bond between us has grown even more. I took her out last night with the girls and she sat next to me while I threw balls for Ava and Trinka. I petted her with one hand and threw with the other and when I stopped petting her she would gently nudge me for more petting. She is a wonderful girl, my black 'pound puppy'. Whoever discarded her is definitely missing out on a wonderful friend and companion.
Posted by sylkegirl at 6:49 AM EDT

Sylke's Recovery
Wednesday, 11 October 2006
Today I caught Sylke 'squatting' - supporting herself on her hind feet in a semi- sit. Those legs are coming back slowly but surely. I cannot wait for the day when I can walk her again!!
The vet mentioned during a urinalysis on her so today at lunch I brought home a container and when I expressed her bladder I did a catch and took it to work. I did a dipstick test on it and PRESTO! Her urine is fine - no white blood cells or red blood cells to indicate infection, the ph is fine, no protein to indicate infection. So I called the vet's office and let them know that her urine is clear. No need for cultures or anything at this time!! WOO HOO for Sylke!!
Posted by sylkegirl at 6:15 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 11 October 2006 6:19 PM EDT
Tuesday, 10 October 2006
I heard back from the vet today. She had just spoken to the neurologist at Michigan State. As I thought they are going to give Sylke 10 more days of steroids, switching her from dexamethazone to prednisone. No more than that as at that point steroids can have the opposite effect and impede healing which I knew. He also recommended I do ROM every day (check - been doing that since I came home along with massage and acupressure), keep her quiet for 5 more weeks (check - planned on doing that) and at some point do a UA to make sure she doesn't have a bladder infection from stagnating urine in her bladder. I agreed with that, but I've had Sylke on prophylactic antibiotic since she came home because at first I knew she wasn't emptying her bladder completely and I knew this might be an issue. I had read about prophylactic antibiotics on the handicapped dog site I was frequenting and just did that on my own. I am also going to start her on cranberry to protect the integrity of her urinary tract. She is urinating well on her own now, but am going to do a catch and drop it off just to be sure anyway.
The vet continues to be amazed at Sylke's recovery and when I told her she thumped her tail last night while I was massaging her she was again surprised. The first day I took Sylke in to the vet when she was first paralyzed I'm pretty sure the doctor figured her only hope was none but euthanasia.
It is surprising all the people who are continuing to inquire about Sylke's health status - the doctors at work, my coworkers and friends and so many people are rooting for my girl. I thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers and positive energy. I think it is all helping along with my diligence to her health care in aiding her rapid and amazing recovery!! Thank you all!!
Posted by sylkegirl at 5:57 PM EDT
Monday, 9 October 2006
I spoke with Sylke's vet this morning, explained everything I have been doing for Sylke and the supplements I have her on. I asked her about keeping her on the steroids a bit longer. The vet's response? "I'm not really sure, to tell you the truth any dog I've ever dealt with in this situation either had surgery or was euthanized." She is amazed with Sylke's recovery and she is going to call the verterinary neurologist at Michigan State University and get his opinion on the steroids. I'm just waiting for a call back from her this afternoon. Hee hee - she really sounds amazed that Sylke is regaining sensation and movement and has regained bowel and bladder control. I guess she underestimated the will and spirit of my gal, Sylke.
Did not hear from the vet today - but then I suppose the Neurologist at the Michigan State veterinary school probably has lots of messages to replay to. I am looking forward to what he has to say about Sylke though.
I will mention this though - tonight Sylke grabbed a stuffed squeaky toy and gave it a good beating - she is definitely back to her old tude!!
7:25 p.m. - and guess what!!! Tonight when I was doing Sylke's massage and acupressure - she moved her tail - picked it up and slapped it down!! I want nothing more than to see her carry her tail up in the air as she used to do
Posted by sylkegirl at 12:51 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 9 October 2006 7:37 PM EDT
Sunday, 8 October 2006
Sylke was up at the crack of dawn. I am amazed how, in under two weeks, she has recovered. When she was first injured, she was very depressed, her body seemed bloated and she was miserable. That Friday I brought her home from the vet's, I thought I would be spending my weekend saying goodbye to her for I figured there was no other choice but to have her put down. But her attitude, determination and spirit showed me otherwise. Anyone who thinks dogs are one dimensional, simple creatures has no clue about the true nature and spirit of dogs. They are capable of perceiving and reacting to much more than they are given credit for. Observing Sylke's fight for recovery, the behavior of the other girls around her, how gentle they are as they understand something is not right with her, is amazing. First thing this morning, she again tried to instigate a game of bitey face with her sister Ava who had sat down beside her. Her body seems much more trim and she definitely has regained her sass, she never lost her pride and spirit.
I am amazed by Sylke, couldn't love that dog more if I had raised her from a pup and am honored to have her as a friend and companion and to be able to assist her through her trials. I have learned much from her and about dogs and myself as well through this experience.
Posted by sylkegirl at 7:03 AM EDT
Saturday, 7 October 2006
Saturday Evening
Well, Miss Sylke has quickly caught on to her new feeding schedule. I feed her two small meals a day due the fact her bowels move slower and she knows by 6:00 she is due her second meal! She was barking and calling to me and when I checked on her she was sitting up, ears pricked with anticipation. I took her 'snack' to her and then she was fine!! Such a clever girl!!
She likes being near to me, she pestered until I made her a bed in the kitchen while I did the dishes this p.m. She continues to amaze me, her intelligence and will. This from the scrawny, skinny dog I got from the pound just over a year and half ago. She sure has come a long ways - even despite her recent injury. This is a dog with a huge heart and a definite purpose.
Posted by sylkegirl at 6:53 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 7 October 2006 7:38 PM EDT
Saturday at last - we lounged in bed this morning and watched a movie and didn't get up till 8:00 a.m. Felt good to relax for a while, I needed a day off, bad!!
Sylke ate her breakfast with gusto - then she kept whining so we went out and she did her business outside!! That is great because it cuts down on the diaper situation. Ava went out with us and walked right along side her sister - for support?? - who knows but she stayed beside Sylke the whole time we were outside.
I noticed that Syke is trying to bear weight on her right rear leg, though I am hesitant to let her since the rear left leg is pretty weak, though I see her trying to swing it when she walks. I don't think the imbalance of bearing weight on one rear leg would do her fragile spine any good.
She wanted to lie under the white pine this morning, but only for a short time - it is rather brisk outside this morning. But she had a good time sniffing the deer tracks in our yard - something we don't often get here in town. Now she is relaxing in the livingroom on a bed; she likes to be out in the midst of activity when I am home.
She is very bright and alert, barking when the other girls bark and really wanting to run to the livingroom when a car goes by, which of course I have to stop her from trying.
All in all, her recovery is progressing exceptionally well.
Later on:
We went outside to enjoy the beautiful day - Sylke wanted to go all over the yard - the other girls played fetch, the neighbor girl took Betsy for a walk. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed the beautiful day - and now its naptime
Sylke enjoying the sunshine in the backyard
Posted by sylkegirl at 8:45 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 7 October 2006 2:36 PM EDT
Friday, 6 October 2006
Tonight it was beautiful out - mild and sunny. When I got home I took all the girls out. Sylke was happy to get out and lie in the grass while I played fetch with Ava and Trinka. Then, Sylke wanted to go for a walk - all the way down to the very back of the yard, so away we went. It is her favorite part of the yard - lots of good sniffing which is exactly what she did. Even ate a little grass. Then we walked back up to the big white pine which is shedding its older needles right now. They make a soft fragrant bed under the tree, which is her favorite hangout, so she laid there for a while enjoying the evening while I strolled around with Ava and played a little more fetch. Then Sylke decided it was time to come back in. She is swinging both her rear legs well at the hips, but her feet still knuckle under. But she is giving it a good honest try to move. I'm sure its going to take quite some time for a complete recovery, if it is in the cards for her.
Posted by sylkegirl at 6:11 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 6 October 2006 8:05 PM EDT
Thursday, 5 October 2006
Oct. 5th
When I came home from work yesterday Sylke was sitting up and acting like a giddy pup! I didn't realize what was up until I lifted her with her sling and she started 'walking' with her rear legs!! She is regaining more sensation and movement!! I took her outside and she 'walked' those hindlegs. Of course, she cannot stand on them and I do not allow her to try; her feet are quite lame yet and I do not want to run the risk of her reinjuring herself when she has made so much progress so rapidly. But I am very excited for her - and apparently so is she.
Unfortunately, this morning her left leg was not moving as it was yesterday, but these things take time. I have faith in her that more mobility will return.
Posted by sylkegirl at 6:10 PM EDT
Wednesday, 4 October 2006
She Moved!
Last night I read a bit about massage and accupressure for dogs. I tried it for a while on Sylke and after I had massaged her for a bit, she moved. She stretched out her left rear leg very slowly and then moved it forward. We are going to be very diligent with massage. She slept deeply last night; the massage must have taken a lot of her tension and stress away. She is very perky this morning, lying on her tummy, ears pricked - waiting for her morning food and pills!
October 3, 2006 - Day 8 of Sylke's Injury
Mood: mischievious
This is day 8 of Sylke's back injury. She is doing remarkably well for a dog that is paralyzed. I spoke with her vet today and she was surprised when I told her last Friday night, I ellicited movement in Sylke's hind leg and tail.
Sylke went out this evening when I got home from work. She is very bright in spirit despite her handicap. I put a leash on her to guide her and a towel under her backend to support her paralyzed rear - she can walk FAST on two legs. I was huffing and puffing when I brought her back in. She is going to do very well in a cart. But there are still at least 5 more weeks of recovery before we get the cart and try her in it.
She has a lot of spunk for a dog who is paralyzed in the rear. Her appetite is excellent, she takes her meds with her food and does well in her bed while I am at work. She is very happy to see me come home - I find her sitting up, ears pricked, ready to go. I think my Sylke girl is going to be just fine.
My friend at work told me today that her husband said he would build Sylke ramps for both the front and back porch so that when she gets her cart she can go in and out more easily. Isn't that grand?
Posted by sylkegirl at 6:18 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 3 October 2006 6:31 PM EDT